Fish in Slovenija2022-01-18T14:37:57+02:00

Technical Museum of Slovenia Collections

Fishes in Slovenija

Today, fish life in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia is very diverse, as more than 77 species of fish live in Slovenian rivers and lakes, 33 of which are permanently protected.

The final room offers a presentation of the wide variety of the fish species that inhabit Slovenia’s fresh waters. In addition to the usual information and display materials, there are a series of taxidermic specimens, which actually prove the extraordinary sizes to which an individual fish may grow. Due to the shortage of the exhibition space, and in order to nevertheless provide a thorough presentation of Slovene waters as well as the great variety of fauna that inhabit them, there is also a multimedia display, which provides the visitor with a wealth of detailed information.

In year 2008 the permanent collection was supplemented by a new multimedia presentation: Fish in the Slovene Waters, and also a film introducing a large number of various fish: by means of an underwater camera, we can witness the life in the river, from source to outfall, as well as fish life in lake Bled.
